CERT Credit Agricole


Français Version Française

The Credit Agricole Group CERT (CERT-AG) is the operational team fighting against cybercrime affecting Crédit Agricole Group entities and their customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Email :

You can contact CERT-AG at the following address : cert@credit-agricole.com to report a security incident involving the Credit Agricole Group or one of its subsidiaries as a source or target of an attack or any cyber threat.

To send us encrypted electronic communications, you can use our PGP key with identifier DFB3787D and with the fingerprint 3679 5976 A04E 80E6 CEF9 6ADD 3B95 4B4D DFB3 787D

The PGP key of the Crédit Agricole Group CERT is available : here

Postal Address :

For any other contact you can write to us at the following address :

Crédit Agricole SA
attn: M. Marc-Frédéric GOMEZ
12 Place des Etats-Unis
92127 Montrouge

RFC 2350 for more information about our services:

CERT-AG RFC 2350 PDF format : Version 1.5 dated from May 10th 2024          (signature PGP)

Authorized to use CERT(TM) - CERT is a mark owned by Carnegie Mellon University CERT-AG is accredited by TI First member InterCERT-France